Liste des Films par Réalisateur

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Réalisateur commençant par G

Gaghan Stephen
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Syriana (2006)
Galan Diego (ESP)
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Con la pata quebrada (2013)
Gallen Joel
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Sex Academy (2002)
Gallienne Guillaume (FRA)
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Garçons et Guillaume, à table ! (Les) (2013)
Gallo Vincent (USA)
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Buffalo ‘66 (1998)
Brown Bunny (2003)
Promises Written in Water (2010)
Galmot Alexis
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Galup Bénédicte
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Kirikou et les betes sauvages (2005)
Gamboa Zézé
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Un héros (2004)
Gamley Douglas
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Gamze Ergüven Deniz (TUR)
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Mustang (2015)
Gan Bi (CHN)
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Kaili Blues (2015)
Gans Christophe
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Silent Hill (2006)
Belle et la Bête (La) (2014)
Gansel Dennis (DEU)
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Vague (La) (2009)
Nous sommes la nuit (2010)
Garant Ben
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Garay Aldo (URY)
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El Hombre nuevo (2015)
Garbarski Sam
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Irina Palm (2007)
Garcia Daniel (USA)
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H. (2014)
Garcia Nicole
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Adversaire (L’) (2002)
Selon Charlie (2006)
Un balcon sur la mer (2010)
Un balcon sur la mer (2010)
Mal de pierres (2016)
Garcia Raùl (ESP)
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Extraordinary Tales (2015)
Garcia Rodrigo (MEX)
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Mother & Child (2010)
Albert Nobbs (2011)
García Galisteo José
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Gardel Louis
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Gårdeler Beata (SWE)
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Flocking (2015)
Gardner Jeremy (USA)
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Battery (The) (2013)
Garenq Vincent (FRA)
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Présumé coupable (2011)
Enquête. (L') (2015)
Garland Alex (GBR)
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Ex Machina (2015)
Garnier Christian
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Garrel Louis (FRA)
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Deux amis (Les) (2015)
Redoutable (Le) (2017)
Garrel Philippe
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Amants réguliers (Les) (2004)
Frontière de l'aube (La) (2008)
Un été brûlant (2011)
Jalousie (La) (2013)
Ombre des femmes (L') (2015)
Garris Mick
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Garrone Matteo (ITA)
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Gomorra (2008)
Reality (2011)
Tale of Tales (2015)
Gatlif Tony
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Exils (2004)
Transylvania (2006)
Gato Enrique (ESP)
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Tad l'explorateur : A la recherche de la Cité perdue (2012)
Gaulke Peter
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Gauthier Renaud (CAN)
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Discopathe (2014)
Aquaslash (2019)
Gavras Romain (FRA)
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Notre jour viendra (2010)
Gay Amandine (FRA)
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Ouvrir la voix (2017)
Gay Germanika Valeriya (RUS)
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Yes and Yes (2013)
Gayet Julie (FRA)
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Cinéast(e)s (2014)
Gebbe Katrin (DEU)
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Aux mains des hommes (2013)
Gederlini Giordano
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Samouraïs (2002)
Gee Grant (GBR)
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Joy Division (2007)
Geller Daniel (USA)
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Galapagos Affair: Satan Came to Eden (The) (2013)
Geng Xu
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Souvenirs d'enfance (1999)
Genina Augusto
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Prix de beauté (1930)
Gens Xavier (FRA)
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Hitman (2007)
Frontière(s) (2007)
Divide (The) (2010)
ABC's of Death (The) (2012)
Cold Skin (2017)
Geoghegan Teo (USA)
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We Are Still Here (2015)
George Terry
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Hôtel Rwanda (2004)
German Jr Alexei (RUS)
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Under Electric Clouds (2015)
Dovlatov (2018)
Geronimi Clyde
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Peter Pan (1953)
Gerwig Greta (USA)
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Lady Bird (2017)
Les Filles du Docteur March (2019)
Barbie (2023)
Geyrhalter Nikolaus (AUT)
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Homo Sapiens (2016)
Ghaywan Neeraj (IND)
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Masaan (2015)
Gheerbrant Denis
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Après - Un voyage dans le Rwanda (2003)
Ghobadi Bahman
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Tortues volent aussi (Les) (2003)
Gianikian Yervant (ITA)
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Pays barbare (2013)
Giannar Niki (GRC)
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Des Spectres hantent l'Europe (2016)
Giannoli Xavier
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Une aventure (2005)
Quand j'étais chanteur (2006)
A l'Origine (2009)
Superstar (2011)
Marguerite (2015)
Gibaja Marc (FRA)
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Ma vie n'est pas une comédie romantique (2007)
Gibney Alex (USA)
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Going Clear: Scientology and the Prison of Belief (2015)
Zero Days (2016)
Gibson Mel
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Passion du Christ (La) (2004)
Apocalypto (2006)
Tu ne tueras point (2016)
Gieco Leon
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Gifford Barry
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Giglio Tony
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Chaos (2005)
Gil Mateo (ESP)
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Realive (2016)
Gilbert Brian
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Témoins (Les) (2002)
Gilbey Julian (GBR)
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A Lonely Place to Die (2011)
ABC's of Death 2 (The) (2014)
Gillespie Craig (USA)
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Fright Night (2011)
Moi, Tonya (2017)
Gillespie Jeremy (CAN)
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Void (The) (2016)
Gillett Tyler (USA)
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V/H/S (2012)
Wedding nightmare (2019)
Gilliam Terry
Fiche réalisateur
Brazil (1985)
Freres Grimm (Les) (2005)
Tideland (2006)
Imaginarium du Docteur Parnassus (L') (2007)
Théorème Zéro (Le) (2013)
Gilmore Patrick
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Sinbad, Legend of the Seven Seas (2003)
Sinbad, la légende des sept mers (2003)
Gilou Thomas (FRA)
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Vérité si je mens 3 (La) (2011)
Gilroy Dan (USA)
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Night Call (2014)
Gilroy Tony
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Michael Clayton (2007)
Jason Bourne: l'héritage (2012)
Gion Christian (FRA)
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J'ai rencontré le Père Noël (1984)
Giorgelli Pablo (ARG)
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Acacias (Les) (2011)
Giovanetti Guillaume (FRA)
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Noor (2012)
Giovinazzo Buddy (USA)
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Theatre Bizarre (The) (2011)
Girerd Jacques-Remy
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Prophétie des grenouilles (La) (2003)
Mia et le Migou (2008)
Gitaï Amos
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Kedma (2002)
Alila (2003)
Terre promise (2004)
Free Zone (2005)
Plus tard tu comprendras (2009)
Words with Gods (2013)
Giæver Ole (NOR)
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Natür Therapy (2015)
Glasner Matthias (DEU)
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Grâce (La) (2012)
Glatzer Richard (USA)
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Still Alice (2014)
Glazer Jonathan (GBR)
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Birth (2004)
Under the Skin (2013)
Glebas Francis
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Aventures de Porcinet (Les) (2002)
Gleize Delphine
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Carnage (2002)
Homme qui rêvait d'un enfant (L') (2005)
Glissant Djibril (FRA)
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Éclaireur (L') (2003)
Glodell Evan (USA)
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Bellflower (2011)
Gobbé-Mévellec Eléa (FRA)
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Hirondelle de Kaboul (Les) (2019)
Gobert Fabrice (FRA)
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Simon Werner a disparu... (2010)
Godard Alain
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Godard Jean-Luc
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Contestation (La) (1969)
Eloge de l'amour (2001)
King Lear (2002)
Notre Musique (2004)
Socialisme (2009)
Adieu au langage (2014)
Godard Ryan
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Goddard Drew (USA)
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Cabane dans les bois (La) (2011)
Sale temps à l'hôtel El Royale (2018)
Godet Fabienne
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Sauf le respect que je vous dois (2005)
Goettel Dwayne R. (CAN)
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Golan Menahem
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Over the Top - Le Bras de fer (1987)
Goldberg Evan (CAN)
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C'est la fin (2013)
Interview qui tue! (L') (2014)
Goldberger Julian
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Hawk is Dying (The) (2006)
Goldenthal Elliot
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Goldfine Dayna (USA)
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Galapagos Affair: Satan Came to Eden (The) (2013)
Goldman William
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Goldsman Akiva
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Goldthwait Bob
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Juste une fois! (2006)
God Bless America (2012)
Goldwyn Tony
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Last Kiss (2006)
Golino Valeria (ITA)
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Miele (2013)
Gomes Marcelo (BRA)
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Joaquim (2017)
Gomes Miguel (PRT)
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Tabou (2012)
Mille et une nuits - l'inquiet (Les) (2015)
Mille et une nuits - le désolé (Les) (2015)
Mille et une nuits - l'enchanté (Les) (2015)
Gomez Manolo
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Forêt enchantée (La) (2002)
Gomez Pereira Manuel
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Reinas (2005)
Gomis Alain (FRA)
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Aujourd'hui (2012)
Félicité (2017)
Gondry Michel
Fiche réalisateur
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004)
Block Party (2005)
Science des rêves (La) (2006)
Soyez sympas, rembobinez (2008)
Tokyo ! (2008)
Epine dans le coeur (L') (2010)
Green Hornet (The) (2010)
We and the I (The) (2011)
Ecume des jours (L') (2012)
Conversation animée avec Noam Chomsky (2013)
Microbe et Gasoil (2015)
Gonzalez Yann (FRA)
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Rencontres d'après minuit (Les) (2013)
Un couteau dans le coeur (2018)
Gonzalez Inarritu Alejandro
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21 Grammes (2003)
Babel (2006)
Biutiful (2010)
Birdman (2014)
The Revenant (2015)
González-Rubio Pedro (MEX)
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Alamar (2010)
3.11 Sense of Home (2011)
Inori (2012)
Goossens Guy
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Gopal Varma Ram
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Gordon Dennie
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Ce dont rêvent les filles (2003)
My Lucky Star (2013)
Gordon Douglas
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Zidane, un portrait du XXIème siècle (2006)
Gordon Fiona
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Iceberg (L') (2005)
Fée (La) (2011)
Gordon Josh (USA)
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Rois du patin (Les) (2007)
Switch (The) (2010)
Gordon Seth (USA)
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Comment tuer son boss? (2011)
Gordon Stuart
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Poupées (Les) (1987)
Dagon (2001)
Gordon Green David (USA)
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Autre Rive (L') (2004)
Délire Express (2008)
Snow Angels (2008)
Your Highness (2010)
Prince Avalanche (2012)
Joe (2014)
Manglehorn (2015)
Halloween (2018) (2018)
Gordon Levitt Joseph (USA)
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Don Jon (2013)
Gorgeart Fabien (FRA)
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Diane a les épaules (2017)
Gornick Michael
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Gosiengfiao Joey (PHL)
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Bomba Star (1980)
Gosling Ryan (CAN)
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Lost River (2014)
Gosnell Raja (USA)
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Schtroumpfs (Les) (2010)
Gotardo Caetano (BRA)
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Celui que nous laisserons (2013)
Goupil Romain
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Gout Everardo (MEX)
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Dias de gracia (2011)
Govaerts Jonas (BEL)
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Cub (2014)
Gowan Gabriel (USA)
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Parasites (2009)
Gowariker Ashitosh
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Swades (2004)
Goxe Stéphane
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Attention danger travail (2003)
Volem rien foutre al païs (2004)
Goyer David
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Unborn (2009)
Gozlan Yann (FRA)
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Captifs (2010)
Un homme idéal (2015)
Gracey Michael (AUS)
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The Greatest Showman (2018)
Graf Dominik (DEU)
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Geliebten Schwestern (Die) (2014)
Graf Rothkirch Thilo
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Etoile de Laura (L') (2004)
Graff Todd (USA)
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Joyful Noise (2011)
Graff Warren
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Graffin Benoît
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Granado Alberto
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Grand Corps Malade (FRA)
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Vie scolaire (La) (2019)
Grandage Michael (GBR)
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Genius (2016)
Grandperret Patrick
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Meurtrières (2006)
Grandrieux Philippe (FRA)
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Vie nouvelle (La) (2002)
Un Lac (2009)
Granik Debra (USA)
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Down to the Bone (2004)
Winter's Bone (2010)
Grant Darren (USA)
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Dancing Girls (2008)
Gras Emmanuel (FRA)
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Bovines (2011)
Grau Jorge Michel (MEX)
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Ne nous jugez pas (2010)
ABC's of Death (The) (2012)
Graver Gary
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Graves Danny
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Wishcraft (2001)
Graves Marcus (USA)
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Choose (2011)
Gray F. Gary
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Un homme à part (2003)
Braquage à l'italienne (2003)
Be Cool (2005)
Que justice soit faite (2010)
N.W.A. - Straight Outta Compton (2015)
Fast & furious 8 (2017)
Gray James
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Nuit nous appartient (La) (2006)
Two Lovers (2008)
Immigrant (The) (2012)
Lost City of Z (The) (2016)
Ad Astra (2019)
Green Jack N. (USA)
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Green Kitty (AUS)
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Casting JonBenet (2017)
Green Walon
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Greenaway Peter
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Ronde de nuit (La) (2008)
Que Viva Eisenstein ! (2015)
Greene David
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Greene Robert (USA)
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Kate Plays Christine (2016)
Greenfield Lauren (USA)
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Generation Wealth (2018)
Greenfield Luke
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Girl Next Door (2004)
Greengrass Paul
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Bloody Sunday (2002)
Mort dans la peau (La) (2004)
Vol 93 (2006)
Vengeance dans la peau (La) (2007)
Green Zone (2009)
Capitaine Phillips (2013)
Jason Bourne (2016)
Greenwald Robert
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Uncovered: tout sur la guerre en Irak (2004)
Gregg Clark (USA)
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Choke (2008)
Gregory David (USA)
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Theatre Bizarre (The) (2011)
Greno Nathan (USA)
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Raiponce (2010)
Greutert Kevin (USA)
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Saw VI (2009)
Saw 3D (2010)
Grevioux Kevin
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Grieg Eward
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Grierson Alister (AUS)
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Sanctum (2011)
Griffin Ted
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Grimaldi Antonello (ITA)
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Caos Calmo (2008)
Grimault Paul
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Roi et l'oiseau (Le) (1979)
Grisebach Valeska (DEU)
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Western (2017)
Grisoni Tony
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Grivois Fred (FRA)
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Intervention (L') (2018)
Gröning Philip (DEU)
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Grand Silence (Le) (2006)
Die Frau des Polizisten (2013)
My Brother's Name is Robert and He is an Idiot (2018)
Groß Simon (DEU)
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Eka & Natia, Chronique d'une jeunesse géorgienne (2013)
Une Famille heureuse (2017)
Grossi Alessandro
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Grosson George
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Grou Daniel (CAN)
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7 jours du talion (Les) (2010)
Grozeva Kristina (BGR)
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Glory (2016)
Gruault Jean
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Grunberg Adrian (USA)
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Rambo : Last Blood (2018)
Gryllus Samu
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Gu Tao (CHN)
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Comme un cheval fou (2017)
Guadagnino Luca (ITA)
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Amore (2009)
A Bigger Splash (2015)
Call Me by Your Name (2017)
Guard Charles (GBR)
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Intrus (Les) (2008)
Guard Thomas (GBR)
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Intrus (Les) (2008)
Guarnieri Ennio
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Gudmundsson Gudmundur Arnar (ISL)
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Heartstone (2016)
Guédiguian Robert
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Marie-Jo et ses deux amours (2002)
Mon père est ingénieur (2003)
Promeneur du Champ de Mars (Le) (2004)
Voyage en Arménie (Le) (2006)
Lady Jane (2008)
Au fil d'Ariane (2014)
Villa (La) (2017)
Guerin José Luis (ESP)
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En Construccion (2001)
Dans la ville de Sylvia (2008)
Guérin-Tillié Stéphan (FRA)
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Edy (2005)
Guerra Ciro (COL)
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Étreinte du serpent (L') (2015)
Guerra da Mata Joao Rui (PRT)
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Dernière fois que j'ai vu Macao (La) (2012)
Guest Val (GBR)
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Casino Royale (1967) (1967)
Guetta Julien (FRA)
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Roulez jeunesse (2018)
Guggenheim Davis (USA)
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Une vérité qui dérange (2006)
Guignabodet Valérie
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Mariages! (2003)
Divorces (2009)
Guillaume Pierre-Erwan (FRA)
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Ennemi naturel (L') (2003)
Guirado Eric (FRA)
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Possessions (2012)
Guiraudie Alain
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Pas de repos pour les braves (2003)
Voici venu le temps (2005)
Roi de l'évasion (Le) (2009)
Inconnu du lac (L') (2013)
Rester vertical (2016)
Gulager John (USA)
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Feast (2005)
Gunn James
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Horribilis (2006)
Super (2010)
Gardiens de la Galaxie (Les) (2014)
Gardiens de la Galaxie Vol. 2 (Les) (2017)
The Suicide Squad (2021)
Les Gardiens de la Galaxie Vol. 3 (2023)
Gunter Jean-Clément
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3 Psychopathes (1991)
Guo Xiaolu (CHN)
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Une Chinoise (2010)
Gusi Carles
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Guterman Lawrence
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Fils du Mask (Le) (2005)
Guthrie Robin
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Gutierrez Sébastian (USA)
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Rise (2006)
Guttentag Bill (USA)
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Live! (2007)
Guzmán Patricio
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Salvador Allende (2004)
Nostalgie de la lumière (2010)
Bouton de nacre (Le) (2015)
Guzzoni Fernando (CHL)
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Jesús – Petit Criminel (2016)
Gyal Sonthar (CHN)
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Sun Beaten Path (The) (2012)
Gyeong-tae Roh (KOR)
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Dernier Repas (Le) (2006)
